Tuesday, January 30, 2018

leg of legends (mastery 7 token 4 morg wooooOOOOOoooo)

i stopped playing morg for one reason

i lost to a thresh a while back and it lowered my self esteem so much on morg that i stopped playing her and enjoyed other supports, and eventually started to play mid champions and a little bit of adc

but after getting my 3rd mastery 7 champ 

i decided to go back to playing support to get a feel of my roots

i picked one of my #1 champions that i spammed in the past, around season 5-ish


around season 6, i tried so hard to get a morg champion 7 token  but never got  even one

soooo legit one season later and after not playing support for a hella long time, i actually get it smh

if you guys were prob wondering what was my champion pool for s5

these champs i used to main were super braindead but

i mained support so i played lots of sona, morgana, and sometimes lulu.

i would only play support, no other role. lol.

then mid to near end s6, i started playing mid sooo yeah

tbh i dont regret stopping supp, i get wayyyyy too abused in that role anyways.

at least in mid i don't have to mute any salty kids lUL

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