Sunday, February 18, 2018

the worst e-girl on this planet

alright i'm gonna give u an e-girl that annoys the fuck out of me


u already know why she's the first one on this list

-fake ass voice
- moans randomly throughout her gameplay
- loves showing her ass (esp. that one stream when she didn't notice her ass reflecting in the mirror)
then she's like "OMG CHAT Y U STARE AT MY ASS U PERVS" ahahaaaaa you dumb


she leeched off t1.

legit took his draven, and claimed she was "meming" and didn't mean it.

no you weren't "meming"

you stream sniped, went on one of your accounts that was around t1's rank just to leech.

why the fuck would you ruin a RANKED game for your team just so you can get more viewers

i'm glad you lost, tyler destroyed your fucking team

sit the fuck down.

you fuckin' whale.

also- also, with or without makeup

either way your hella ugly bitch js

there's even a fcking forum post about her being fake.

i really don't give a damn that "but she's actually better than most female players on league"

i don't care

this bitch is annoying as hell and a leech.

especially the fact that she lied about not stream sniping tyler for views makes it even more hilarious

she knew, she'd get more suckers to watch her if she did this

she knew.

that's why she did it

and her bullshit excuse about it on twitter is fucking funny

Image result for laughing gif

then all her white knights liked the twitter post and basically are defending their "princess"Related image

then there were people who actually had common sense calling her out for her lie

i also found this funny btw. someone made fun of these virgins defending poki.

i think it just made my day

glad tyler put her ass down in that game.

don't like my opinion? welp, not worth fighting a "POKISQUAD" white knight about something that's true

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